LIVING FAITH: You want a living and sincere faith. A faith that guides directs and strengthens you. A faith that can move mountains and get you through Walmart without losing your cool. A faith that faces fears and says "God's got this!" The sort of faith that changes lives a LIVING FAITH!
Yet in the hustle of life we rarely find time for more than a faith of survival. A faith that just gets us by. But Scripture promises we could be more than conquers. Training to conqueror will take more than an hour of faith on Sunday but LIVING FAITH! Well that changes everything! It can move mountains and even help you keep your cool in the check out isle!
Sundays in June and July for LIVING FAITH! And lets start living it!
Yet in the hustle of life we rarely find time for more than a faith of survival. A faith that just gets us by. But Scripture promises we could be more than conquers. Training to conqueror will take more than an hour of faith on Sunday but LIVING FAITH! Well that changes everything! It can move mountains and even help you keep your cool in the check out isle!
Sundays in June and July for LIVING FAITH! And lets start living it!
PRAYER Matt 6:5-15 PRESENCE John 15:1-17 GIFTS Matthew 6:1-4
SERVICE 2 Peter 2:1-10 WITNESS Matthew 28:16-20
SERVICE 2 Peter 2:1-10 WITNESS Matthew 28:16-20
Day 1 Matt. 6:5-155; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 18:9-14
prayer life
Is your prayer life impacting how you live?
Does prayer strength you to live a LIVING FAITH?
Does your faith transforms your thought patterns, your words, and your actions?
Does being in God's presence fill you with the humility you need to put others first?
Day 2 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Psalm 139-23-24 Scripture
Does your faith put you into conformity with those around you or does it challenge you to live differently?
Does reading scripture challenge you to live a transformed life?
Let God's Word search you. Do not search Scripture to confirm you convictions but rather to challenge and refine them.
Reading in this way can be difficult but it will yield the reward of spiritual, emotional and relational maturity.
Day 3 Matthew 7:24-27; 15:51-53 Understanding
As we engage Scripture to be read by it we gain insight and understanding
prayer life
Is your prayer life impacting how you live?
Does prayer strength you to live a LIVING FAITH?
Does your faith transforms your thought patterns, your words, and your actions?
Does being in God's presence fill you with the humility you need to put others first?
Day 2 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Psalm 139-23-24 Scripture
Does your faith put you into conformity with those around you or does it challenge you to live differently?
Does reading scripture challenge you to live a transformed life?
Let God's Word search you. Do not search Scripture to confirm you convictions but rather to challenge and refine them.
Reading in this way can be difficult but it will yield the reward of spiritual, emotional and relational maturity.
Day 3 Matthew 7:24-27; 15:51-53 Understanding
As we engage Scripture to be read by it we gain insight and understanding
Week Two: Presence
Day 1 John 15:1-11 Abiding in Christ and one another
How are you abiding in Christ today?
Day 2 Acts 2:42; Romans 12:1; Psalm 95:1-11 Preparing for Worship
How do you prepare for worship on Sundays?
Do you worship other days of the week?
Day 3 Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Corinthians 14:26; Ephesians 2:22, 4:4-6 Fellowship of Faith
Do you connect with other Christians intentionally during the week?
Do you commit to building others up in the faith?
What are some ways that you do?
How are you abiding in Christ today?
Day 2 Acts 2:42; Romans 12:1; Psalm 95:1-11 Preparing for Worship
How do you prepare for worship on Sundays?
Do you worship other days of the week?
Day 3 Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Corinthians 14:26; Ephesians 2:22, 4:4-6 Fellowship of Faith
Do you connect with other Christians intentionally during the week?
Do you commit to building others up in the faith?
What are some ways that you do?
Week Three: Gifts
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 2
Day 3