"Let the children come to me and do not prevent them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
Faith Harvest Kids Sunday Programming
Sunday Offerings for Faith Harvest Kids
Every Sunday at 9:30am children who have completed Kindergarten and older are encouraged to join us for Faith Harvest Kids Worship.
Check-In is at the Door 4, check-in desk.
Every Sunday at 9:30am children who have completed Kindergarten and older are encouraged to join us for Faith Harvest Kids Worship.
Check-In is at the Door 4, check-in desk.

Other Family Ministry Programming

Faith development begins immediately and we celebrate the joy of infants in our congregation through their cries and squeals in worship as well as the care we give each infant and toddler in our nursery ministry.
Godly Play
Godly Play is a unique worship experience designed for children. Immersive Bible storytelling produces a sense of wonder as your child experiences God in a holy unique and powerful way.

Faith Harvest Summer Lunch Pals