Disciple: A follower of Jesus whose life is centering on loving God and loving others.
Discipleship Path: A structured means by which we grow as disciples.
Faith Harvest Church: a place of transformation helping us on our journey of faith.
Defining a Relationship: a means to measure your growth as a disciple
Exploring: (acquaintances) I believe in God, but I question if I can know God in a personally way.
Growing: (Friends) I believe in Jesus and I am working on what it means to get to know him.
Close: (Good Friends) I feel really close to Jesus and depend on him daily for guidance.
Centered: (Intimate Friends) My relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life. It guides everything I do.
Spiritual Growth Markers: indicators that growth is occurring in your journey
Better Choices - Greater Determination - Improved Empathy - Deepening Desire - Growing Influence -
Improved Relationships - Increased Shalom (intimacy with God, others, self, creation)
Faith Obstacles:
Number one obstacle: Its not a Priority.
Number two: Not having or ignoring your church's discipleship path process
Ways to Grow: tools that encourage growth in your Spiritual Growth Markers
Two General Types: Devotional Life & Life of Service - both types are summarized with these five words:
Prayers (or devotional life) - Presence (attending to gathering in worship small groups etc.) - Service (doing things for others and the church) - Gifts (giving of material wealth) - Witness (sharing ones faith)
NOTE: There is no hard lines as to what is solely devotional or solely service. Prayer can certainly be service and gifts can certainly be an act of devotion. These categories on not meant to limit us but simple give us a handle on ways to grow in our faith.
Below you will find tools for various ages that will help you grow as a Disciple of Jesus!
Disciple: A follower of Jesus whose life is centering on loving God and loving others.
Discipleship Path: A structured means by which we grow as disciples.
Faith Harvest Church: a place of transformation helping us on our journey of faith.
Defining a Relationship: a means to measure your growth as a disciple
Exploring: (acquaintances) I believe in God, but I question if I can know God in a personally way.
Growing: (Friends) I believe in Jesus and I am working on what it means to get to know him.
Close: (Good Friends) I feel really close to Jesus and depend on him daily for guidance.
Centered: (Intimate Friends) My relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in my life. It guides everything I do.
Spiritual Growth Markers: indicators that growth is occurring in your journey
Better Choices - Greater Determination - Improved Empathy - Deepening Desire - Growing Influence -
Improved Relationships - Increased Shalom (intimacy with God, others, self, creation)
Faith Obstacles:
Number one obstacle: Its not a Priority.
Number two: Not having or ignoring your church's discipleship path process
Ways to Grow: tools that encourage growth in your Spiritual Growth Markers
Two General Types: Devotional Life & Life of Service - both types are summarized with these five words:
Prayers (or devotional life) - Presence (attending to gathering in worship small groups etc.) - Service (doing things for others and the church) - Gifts (giving of material wealth) - Witness (sharing ones faith)
NOTE: There is no hard lines as to what is solely devotional or solely service. Prayer can certainly be service and gifts can certainly be an act of devotion. These categories on not meant to limit us but simple give us a handle on ways to grow in our faith.
Below you will find tools for various ages that will help you grow as a Disciple of Jesus!
Current Studies and Online Gatherings

Faith Harvest Kids Sunday Programming
9:30am Nursery Care for Infant-5 years old. Children who have finished Kindergarten and older can go to FH Kids Worship during the 9:30am worship service. Check-in at Door 4, welcome area.
10:30am Watch for exciting new programming starting this Spring.
10:30am Watch for exciting new programming starting this Spring.

Connect with Pastor Milissa if you have any questions or concerns moving forward with Faith Harvest Kids programming

Connect with Pastor Mike if you have any questions with Faith Harvest Youth programming
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
- Adult Bible Study Led by Teresa Cates - Room 1 (everyone welcome)
- The Study of Revelation - Doug Barton - Room 1 (everyone welcome)
- Faith Harvest Women - First Monday of each month at 6:30 pm (all women of the church are welcome to attend)
- Faith Prayer Warriors - Karen Neumann and Donna Barton - Room 1 - 10 am (everyone welcome)
- Faith Harvest Men's Group - Gathering Area - 7 pm (all men of the church are welcome to attend)