Do you have a Love of the Law or a Law of Love?
A demonizing haltered has swept our nation. Folks of all walks, persuasions and convictions have fallen prey to it. It seems its the only thing many of us have in common these days...anger and hate. This is not the Kingdom.
We can get so focused on what is right by our perspective that we love the rightness over the people we disagree with. I'll be transparent and share with you that I can fall into this trap myself. Recently someone I love and admire dropped a truth bomb on me. You love ideas more than people! And it hit me I was a Pharisee!
The Pharisees loved their Law far more than the people it was for. Their rightness trumped the loving others every time. They used it to justify their disdain for those they deemed wrong and sinful. Jesus abhorred this mentality and confronted it over and over again. Jesus in Matt. 22:34-40 reveals just the the Law wasn't to point to judgment but LOVE.
The Law is a gift if we look where it points us to. But when we worship the Law, rightness, correctness it is a demon that consumes us. One that must be expelled. Join us in The Law of Love as we reclaim a Christ like Love for others and the fulfillment of the Law.
A demonizing haltered has swept our nation. Folks of all walks, persuasions and convictions have fallen prey to it. It seems its the only thing many of us have in common these days...anger and hate. This is not the Kingdom.
We can get so focused on what is right by our perspective that we love the rightness over the people we disagree with. I'll be transparent and share with you that I can fall into this trap myself. Recently someone I love and admire dropped a truth bomb on me. You love ideas more than people! And it hit me I was a Pharisee!
The Pharisees loved their Law far more than the people it was for. Their rightness trumped the loving others every time. They used it to justify their disdain for those they deemed wrong and sinful. Jesus abhorred this mentality and confronted it over and over again. Jesus in Matt. 22:34-40 reveals just the the Law wasn't to point to judgment but LOVE.
The Law is a gift if we look where it points us to. But when we worship the Law, rightness, correctness it is a demon that consumes us. One that must be expelled. Join us in The Law of Love as we reclaim a Christ like Love for others and the fulfillment of the Law.
Exceeding Righteousness
Matt. 5:17-20
Prodigal Son(s)
Luke 15
A More Excellent Way
1 Cor. 13
Matt. 5:17-20
Prodigal Son(s)
Luke 15
A More Excellent Way
1 Cor. 13