Do not Judge so that you may not be judged. (Matthew 7:1 )Three ways our judgment of others leads to our own condemnation.
- Self Judgment
- The Judgement of Others
- God’s Judgment
Each of these needs its own unpacking. The next three days will deal with each in turn and the fourth will be committed to avoiding the evil of side tacking.
DAY 1 : Hey! Take it easy on yourself....avoiding Self JudgmentRemember that little rhyme we chanted at bullies in the school yard?
I’m rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!
I don’t know who wrote that rhyme but they deserve a Pulitzer.
When it comes to judgment the rhyme applies. As we judge others it comes back to us.
Living a
critical eye life we become hyper sensitive not only to the flaws of others but our own. Our mind trained to find flaws and devalue others by them soon turns on itself. Once the thought muscle of judgment is developed it won’t be content to take aim only at others. Having passed judgment we grow deeply self conscious of our own shortcomings. Now we go through great pains to hide our faults from others and ourselves. After saying such wicked things about others how humiliating to discover them true about ourselves.
Trapped by your one critical words and fearing to admit your own judgeable flaws you are imprisoned. That is self judgment. Often this all occurs at a subconscious level never being admitted to the self but always in the prefrail vison of our souls. That realm we know if we turn to will be filled with horrors we wish not to confront so we advert our eyes. This is the realm the Holy Spirit dwells in revealing ourselves to our self if we will turn His way. If we refuse to look sadly we fulfill Matthew 7:2
For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. And God the Father does not desire this for His children...
When we judge others we judge ourselves.
So let's take it easy on ourselves okay?
LORD you have a right to yet have not judged me.
You have been gracious to me.
In Christ You have shown me how to grow
but never have you judged me by these flaws.
Rather by the merits of your son!
How dare I judge another.
How dare I be so foolish as to give judgment.
Help me Lord to be gracious, forgiving, and equitable.