In Rooted in God we discussed the need to filter the fallen world around us. Using Psalm 1 as our guide we discussed what it means to root one selves in God. Below is a list of tools and methods to help you be Rooted in God!
The practice of Lectio Divina
To develop a meaningful and consistent time with God:
Pick a time you will consistently keep.
Mornings are often best but consistency is better.
Set aside 20-30 minutes
Speaking to God:
There are many models to choose from each with their own virtues. Perhaps one of the simplest to remember is the A.C.T.S. prayer modeled off the Lord's Prayer. It stands for:
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
The most important aspect to all of this is to make it a priority. After a few short weeks of carving this time out you will soon find your soul craving this special time. At first it will take discipline and do not be discouraged by that. Stay with it and it will become a true blessing and tool God will us to provide growth in your life.
In Rooted in God we discussed the need to filter the fallen world around us. Using Psalm 1 as our guide we discussed what it means to root one selves in God. Below is a list of tools and methods to help you be Rooted in God!
The practice of Lectio Divina
To develop a meaningful and consistent time with God:
Pick a time you will consistently keep.
Mornings are often best but consistency is better.
Set aside 20-30 minutes
- Scripture reading alone
- Printed devotional
- Lectio Divina
- SOAPY prayer
- Vesper readings and more
Speaking to God:
There are many models to choose from each with their own virtues. Perhaps one of the simplest to remember is the A.C.T.S. prayer modeled off the Lord's Prayer. It stands for:
- Adoration: take time to worship God
- Confession: seek forgiveness and to seek the grace and humility to forgive others
- Thanksgiving: Thank God for the blessings you have
- Supplication: Pray for others, Your family church and community, and then yourself.
- Then end with adoration once again taking time to worship God with words or even singing if you like. A Doxology is a wonderful way to close a time of prayer.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
The most important aspect to all of this is to make it a priority. After a few short weeks of carving this time out you will soon find your soul craving this special time. At first it will take discipline and do not be discouraged by that. Stay with it and it will become a true blessing and tool God will us to provide growth in your life.