And Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."

Matthew 19:14

Your Child won't just learn about God
they will 

Many curriculum focus on teaching but Godly Play is focused on experiencing.  Experiencing God, others, and amazing redemptive story of the Bible! Godly Play is a unique worship experience  that invites your child to experience learning about God in a very unique and profound way.  Mt. Olive UMC is certified in Godly Play and provides your child the opportunity to engage in deep and meaningful discipleship experiences that inspire awe and wonder in our amazing God.
Godly Play is available during  during 10:30 AM worship on Sundays and is a vital part of our Preschool program at Mt. Olive Preschool.

Godly Play method is a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—Scripture and spiritual experience. 
Godly Play practice teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives. 
Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance. 
Godly Play has a foundation of 40+ years of research and practice. 
Godly Play values process, openness, discovery, community and relationships. 
Godly Play models the worship life, stories, symbols and rituals of Christian congregations. 
Godly Play allows practitioners to make relevant and personal theological meaning. 
Godly Play nurtures participants to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and play. 

The Godly Play Foundation
What is Godly Play
Godly Play videos

Other Family Ministry Programming


Faith development begins immediately and we celebrate the joy of infants in our congregation through their cries and squeals in worship as well as the care we give each infant and toddler in our nursery ministry.

Godly Play

Godly Play is a unique worship experience designed for children. Immersive Bible storytelling produces a sense of wonder as your child experiences God in a holy unique and powerful way. 


 As we engage in Orange 252 KIDS curriculum with our preschool and elementary age children it is our heart that through worship & interactive small groups our children would embrace the truth to LOVE GOD


Our programming engages 6th-12th grade age students in age appropriate small groups that introduces a concept from Orange curriculum XP3.